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23 May 2022
Dīkṣā, 15 maggio 2022, Villa Vrindavana Iniziazioni spirituali conferite da Shriman Matsya Avātar Prabhu in occasione di Narasiṃha mahotsava Per la divina grazia di Shrila Prabhupada, della Guru-p...
16 August 2020
Dear devotees, Please accept my respectful obeisances. All Glories to Shrila Gurudeva and Shrila Prabhupada! An extract from "A transcendental diary" was published on BBT Archives’ Facebook Page ...
08 November 2021
Learning to die in order to learn how to live At the time of passing away all the understandings and experiences we have developed over our lifetime are at stake. This is the moment of truth. In...
16 August 2020
Dearest Shrila Prabhupada, Please accept my most respectful obeisances at Your lotus feet. Nama om vishnu padaya krishna preshthaya bhu-tale, shrimate bhaktivedanta swami iti namine. Namaste saras...
21 August 2022
Shrila Prabhupada Vyasapuja 2022 Carissimo Shrila Prabhupada, Ti prego di accogliere i miei rispettosi omaggi ai Tuoi piedi di loto. Nama om vishnu padaya krishna preshthaya bhu-tale, shrimate bha...
21 September 2021
"Do not fear. Just become a devotee, chant Hare Kṛṣṇa, read Bhagavad-gītā As It Is and Kṛṣṇa will reveal Himself. [Delhi, August 29th, 1976] Hari Śauri: At 10:00 a.m. Prabhupāda met with an Itali...
26 August 2019
Dearest Shrila Prabhupada, please accept my respectful obeisances at Your lotus feet.   Nama om vishnu padaya krishna preshthaya bhu-tale shrimate bhaktivedanta swami iti namine Namaste sarasvate...
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