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28 February 2019
Sanskrit is one of the oldest and most complex languages. The richer the language, the greater is it’s capacity to formulate elevated concepts. “Vicara” in Sanskrit means “to reflect on oneself”. A...
09 March 2018
Short Biography of Shriman Matsya Avatar Prabhu Dear devotees, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Shrila Gurudeva and Shrila Prabhupada! Here below, please find the short biogra...
29 June 2016
At last, the ethics of compassion and non-violence, even at the dinner table, have made their way to the Italian Parliament!  It happened on Friday, June 24, thanks to the intervention of Shriman ...
15 February 2019
Dear devotees,   Please accept my respectful obeisances. Glories to Shrila Gurudeva and Shrila Prabhupada!   We’d like to share with you evidence of the profound feeling of gratitude that our b...
26 August 2016
Dear Shrila Prabhupada, please accept my humble obeisances at Your lotus feet. Om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-shalakaya cakshur unmilitam yena tasmai shri-gurave namah
01 December 2015
Shrimati Ananda Vrindavana Devi dasi: a wise and loving mother, daughter, sister, wife, grandmother and ideal disciple... whoever met her will never forget her bright and happy smile, her spiritual...
10 February 2019
First, its meaning lies in seeking a happy life on Earth, based on dharma and oriented towards Heaven. May marriage shine for its steadiness. May the union of marriage not be a comet that suddenly ...
07 July 2016
In the summer of 1976 I was in India, on the Himalayas. I was seriously interested in the philosophy of the sage Patanjali (rajayogasutras) and I was living in an ashram in a very austere way, wher...
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